Real Life Conversations, Encouragement and Connection

for Christian Women

Get yourTickets Here!

New Price...just $15

Coupons, if needed...ticket sales make the event possible

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Free ticket: FREE

Hebrews Coffee Shop

26403 Oak Ridge Dr., Spring, TX 77380

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gatheruUP Sponsor Needed


For $200 you receive a free vendor booth and 4 tickets to gatherUP as well as promotion on all social media and here on the website. In addition, you get a 5 minute commercial time at the event.

If someone cannot afford the ticket, they can come for free. Your sponsorship, helps cover the cost of the venue and comp tickets so women can come be connected, inspired and grow deeper with the Lord even if it’s not in their budget.

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What the Women are Saying..

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I attended in May and it was an atmosphere of women who are truly hungry for God and love Jesus. This is an amazing event. - Ashley O

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An open and transparent conversation with women who face the challenge of everyday life with extraordinary integrity. Ruth B

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The songs offered a balm for my heart and the mentors share their journeys that kept me leaning in. Ending in prayer over each other left me feeling like my broken pieces were gently put back together - Jen C

An open and transparent conversation with women who face the challenge of everyday life with extraordinary integrity. Ruth B

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A unique platform for women to share real life experiences and how God has shaped them through it. The real and the messy combined with beautiful worship & gracious fellowship. You will leave refreshed - Maggie H

August Mentors

Dr. Angela Aja

3D And Sign

Shaundra Dineen

Angela has been called a secret weapon for world changers, a purpose pusher, and a midwife for those ready to birth their royal destiny. She is a true overcomer who has purposefully curated a message of hope from her pain. She will lead you to discover YOU and YOUR purpose!

Shaundra is a powerful force who influences, impacts and inspires women to tackle FEAR and become FEARLESS! Her mantra #DoItAfraid will demolish the fear keeping you from living the life you were truly called to live. She has overcome intense life challenges and is living her unapologetic best life and YOU CAN TOO!

November Mentors

Kele Pandolfe-Sheppard

3D And Sign

Misty Phillip

Kele’s heart calling is to empower and encourage women of all ages on their journey of healing and hope into a thriving tomorrow. Her personal healing from hurt and deep loss led her to write many books but specifically “The Stories We Tell” to help women work through their story and step into their true identity, wholeness and purpose they were created for!

Misty is passionate about encouraging people to spark their SOUL message. Everything is for Him, by Him and through Him. Jesus radically changed her life and she uses that experience to impart wisdom through podcasting, speaking and the books she has written. Her story will inspire you to embrace yours!

The Purpose by Lori Gasca

The purpose of gatherUP is for women to dive DEEP beyond the surface into REAL LIFE. I want you to know you are not alone and when our challenges are brought to the light, we can begin to heal. gatherUP will enable us to step out of the shadows and into the wide open spaces the Lord has prepared for us. When we FREE the heart of a woman, we FREE the family. Generations will be changed when women step into FREEDOM in Christ.

The name GatherUP was given to me as I was studying Deborah in Judges. She says to Barak “Has not the Lord, the God of Israel, commanded you, ‘Go, gather your men?" Yes, this refers to men but I believe we are called to gather up our women too. Later she commands "UP!” We are being called to gather our women to rise UP in freedom! I expect this movement to change lives for generations to come.

The Format

6:00 -6:15

Check in, Shopping and Visiting

6:15-8:00 p.m.

Praise & Worship and Real Conversations

A Hebrews coffee, of your choice, will be provide. It is advised to eat dinner before.

About the Creator & Host

Lori is a Southern girl rooted in deep love of family and Jesus, an adored wife, mom to 4 amazing young adult children, and a lifelong serial entrepreneur. She is a writer, speaker and intentional connector of women. She believes every woman deserves a vibrant life full of passion and purpose. Her heart's desire is to help them see their value and step into that calling. She uses her years of experience in business and life to help women break free of hurts and hang ups that may be holding them back. She has created a number of businesses over the years including The Grove Workspace for Women and The Growth Summit annual conference for women.